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First published in March 2022

CECILIA MOSCARDO, For a typology and chronology of expanded-shoulder ollae, p. 2; LUCA DORIA, CATERINA PREVIATO, JACOPO BONETTO, ELENA PETTEN., FRANCESCA VERONESE, The Roman bridge at the Altinate gate in Padua: between old and new research, p. 22; SARA EMANUELE, Padova, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II. Micro-excavation and restoration of the “Lady in the Mirror” grave goods, p. 40; GIORGIO GARATTI, SILVIA PALTINERI, The Eridanus, the Po and its branches. A cultural landscape and its transformations between literary sources and archaeological evidence, p. 54; ELODIA BIANCHIN CITTON, The late 8th - early 7th century BC tombs from Montebelluna-via Nazario Sauro and their contribution to the reconstruction of the funerary landscape of the Venetian center, p. 66; CRISTINA MONDIN, Asolo underground: the Roman service tunnel of the La Bot aqueduct, p. 88; VALENTINA FAMARI, The floor of the Giustiniani Chapel of the church of S. Elena in Venice: notes on philology and bibliography, p. 100; ELIANA BRIDI, From the Renaissance graphic tradition to nineteenth-century reliefs. Sources and documents for the study of building materials and techniques in Roman Verona, p. 114; GIOVANNA FALEZZA, GIOVANNI RODEGHER, New data on Veronese perilacustrine territory in Roman times: the settlement of Le Fontane in Cavaion Veronese (Verona), p. 140; DAVIDE BROMBO, GIANNI DE ZUCCATO, Talamasia antiqua. Archaeology of an abandoned village in the middle Veronese plain, p. 158; FEDERICO BONFANTI, VALERIA GRAZIOLI, SIMONE PEDRON, Archaeological research and outreach at the prehistoric village Menago Valley Park - Bovolone (VR), p. 178; MICHELE MATTEAZZI, Toward the mountains and beyond: some considerations on the Roman-era road system in the plain northwest of Vicenza, p. 190; MICHELE ASOLATI, A sixteenth-century clandestine mint on the Asiago Plateau, p. 206; NICOLA POLLON, The lowland house in the pre-Roman Veneto: planimetric and architectural features, p. 222; SIMONE DON, Three Dalmatian inscriptions in Venetian collections, p. 240; GIULIA DEOTTO, ANDREA COZZA, Archaeology and medicine in the Venetorum Angulus: presentation of a multidisciplinary project, p. 252


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